Tips, Tools & Solutions for Recognizing and Stopping Bullying in Social Media and Online (Excerpted from Affordable Colleges Online -see link below)
College cyberbullying can make simply leaving the dorm a nightmare. Understanding what it is and what drives bullies to do what they do can go a long way toward helping students figure out how to curtail the problem.
Most people know cyberbullying when they experience it, mainly because of how it makes them feel. But it can be tough to put the action into words. But make no mistake: Cyberbullying is just as devastating to the victims as traditional bullying is.
But sometimes cyberbullying is more subtle than personal attacks, and students might not realize they have been pulled into the web until they are dealing with serious issues related to it. In addition to saying mean or cruel things to someone online, cyberbullying also takes these other common forms:
— Hacking into someone’s account to pose as them and post embarrassing things
— Tricking someone into revealing personal information
— Creating websites or accounts that are designed to make fun of someone else
(Google name of site if the link does not open immediately.)
Facebook Bullying Prevention Hub
This comprehensive section of Facebook explains a great deal about online bullying and how to prevent it, including ways to report and block on Facebook.
FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center
Bullying that includes serious threats should be dealt with appropriately, including a report to the FBI center for Internet crime reporting.
Information about Cyberbullying Laws
This constantly updated site offers information on what can be expected from laws in each state, as well as how those laws might help with reporting, blocking or otherwise stopping the bullies.
Instagram: Report Bullying
Offensive or inappropriate behavior on Instagram can result in the user being blocked. This is how to report the problem.
How to Report Cyberbullying
This comprehensive guide to approaching cyberbullying is offered through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Report Cyberbullying: List of Sites and Apps
Almost any app or social media site is listed here, along with information on how to report issues with cyberbullying there.
Twitter: Reporting Abusive Behavior
Those who are being abused or threatened through twitter can take these steps to ensure that the problem stops as soon as possible.
(See full article at:
(See resources for younger children at